We specialise in the care of elderly people especially those diagnosed with dementia. We can accommodate Residents in the OP (Elderly) & DE (E) (Dementia, also can meet the needs of MD).
The home is friendly and comfortable and aims to provide a safe homely environment. We have a range of equipment to assist with all aspect of daily living including adjustable beds where necessary, pressure relieving mattresses when required, bath rails and a stair lift. All rooms are furnished but residents are welcome to bring in any of their own pieces of furniture or personal pictures that they wish. The home is not suitable for total wheelchair dependent service users.
To assist our residents with dementia, we have alleviated steps where possible from the internal structure of the building.
We also have assisted bathing facilities for our residents who are particularly frail or mentally impaired and need assistance bathing.
We have an in-house laundry system but ask that all items of personal clothing be marked with the resident’s name and staff are made aware of items needing special laundry care.
The staff are always so approachable.

The home can accommodate 20 persons at any one time.
All residents are assessed prior to admission to ensure that as far as is possible we can meet all the individual needs and requirements to guarantee a comfortable and happy stay with us. This will be confirmed in writing prior to admission to the Home in a letter from the home manager who will confirm that the room is available and that care can be offered, unless of course, there are unforeseen changes in the resident’s condition or expectations on arrival at the home.
Resident’s Safety
We are a secure unit, therefore, we do not operate “an open door policy”. All external doors are secured and alarmed to assist in our residents’ safety.
We can not accommodate residents with or who develop challenging behaviour or who have an aggressive nature to others.